Annual Meeting

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Celebrating 25 years of industry-led partnerships.

ASA members and partners represent industry, education, community, labor and government, with a shared interest in developing a safe, trained, and ready workforce, now and into the future.

The ASA Annual Member Meeting is an opportunity to share knowledge and connect on the ASA mission to enhance workforce development & safety for Alaska’s industries. Members and guests will receive important updates on ASA’s accomplishments and vision for the future at this event. ASA Members will also cast their vote to elect Directors to serve on the ASA Board.

The Alaska Safety Alliance is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization led by a volunteer Board of Directors.  The board provides guidance and oversight of the organization to benefit all ASA members.  

“If you want to have an impact on workforce training in Alaska, this is the Board you want to be part of.” 

Randy Sulte, Director – ASA Board

Serving on the ASA Board is a unique opportunity to help build a safe and trained workforce for Alaska! As the highest leadership body of the organization, the Board is responsible for strategy and organizational oversight.

    “I’m excited about the growth of the mission to further broaden our reach and our impact on Alaska’s future workforce. As we continue to grow our workforce development programs across existing and new industries, the momentum and enthusiasm builds and we see more and more bright faces of young people whose careers we helped launch.”

    John Ketchum, ASA Board Chair 2024